# KeepMeUpBot NodeJS backend Telegram bot for receiving notifications when some actions didn't happen in time [@KeepMeUpBot](https://t.me/keepmeupbot) To use this bot you need to: **/create checkName interval** - to create new check (private chat only). checkName format is - `/^[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_\\.-]{6,62}[a-z0-9_]$/i`, interval format is - `(([num]d)?[num]h)?[num]m` Everything after will be treated as description. It is useful to write there some details about this check, where to find it, how to fix, whom to call, e.t.c. As a result of that command you get secret to authorize your call. Then add this bot to some group chats and enable forwarding of that check: **/addcheck checkName [sharedSecret]** - to start streaming notifications (group chat only). **/rmcheck checkName [sharedSecret]** - to stop streaming notifications (group chat only). If you are not the owner of a check, you would need to add sharedSecret to verify your rights. Url to send a message to channels is: https://keepmeup.jsbot.eu/check/